Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August 14, 2014 Update - GC Complex Fire

This is the last regular update for the GC Complex. Questions about the Grouse Mountain fire may be directed to David Morman at 503-302-7088, while questions about the Starvation fire may be directed to Mike Stearly at 541-575-3800.

The GC Complex is comprised of the Grouse Mountain and Starvation fires. Both fires are in mop-up, suppression rehabilitation and patrol status and the fire perimeter remain stable.

Acres: GC Complex: 12,161 Grouse Mountain: 12,076 Starvation: 85

Containment: Complex – 95%

Start Date: The GC Complex fires were started by lightning on August 7, 2013

GC Complex - Crews on Starvation are in the last stages of mop up and rehabilitation. Firefighters made progress toward the mop-up standards on Grouse Mountain and began rehabilitation.

Eddington Gulch – This new fire started as a result of the recent lightning storm and is located approximately 2 miles north of Highway 26 and 12 miles west of Mt. Vernon. Fire retardant encircled the fire by the end of the day on Tuesday with an estimated size of 25 acres. Eddington Gulch fire is under the command of Type 3 Incident Commander Jeff Muenster, working with firefighters reassigned from the GC Complex.

Total Personnel: 529

Plans for today: Mop up, suppression rehabilitation and patrol.

Today's Weather:The weather will continue to be warm and dry, with temperatures near 95 degrees and humidity 12-20%. Mostly sunny with the potential for thunderstorms, especially on Friday. Light northwest winds.

All closures have been lifted. Most resources that are being demobilized are being reassigned to other incidents. The GC Complex will transition to local ODF and USFS management at 8pm today.

New Start Named Eddington Gulch Fire

OR Interagency Incident Management Team 4 assisted with a new start on Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) protected land late yesterday. It is north of Highway 26 between Mt. Vernon and Dayville, approximately 25 acres in size and is now being called the Eddington Gulch Fire. Type 3 IC Jeff Muenster has assumed command of the Eddington Gulch Fire. He advised they plan to build line throughout today.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

OR IIMT 4 to assist with new fire start north of Highway 26 between Mt. Vernon and Dayville

OR Interagency Incident Management Team 4 (ORIIMT4) has been asked to assist with a new start on Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) protected land. It is north of Highway 26 between Mt. Vernon and Dayville, approximately 25 acres in size. OR IIMT4 is sending fire personnel to assist.

August 13, 2013, GC Complex Update

Current Status: The GC Complex is comprised of the Grouse Mountain and Starvation fires. Both fires are in mop-up, suppression rehabilitation and patrol status and the fire perimeter has been stable. Estimated Acreage: GC Complex: 12,161; Grouse Mountain: 12,076; Starvation: 85 Containment: Complex – 90% Estimated Date: 8-18-2013 Cause and Date Started: The GC Complex fires were started by lightning on August 7, 2013 Morning Briefing: IC Brian J. Watts encouraged resources assigned to the complex to be patient, and to remain flexible and adaptable as the incident winds down. The weather will continue to be warm and dry, with temperatures near 90 degrees and humidity 15 – 25%. Crews on Starvation found 11 smokes within the perimeter yesterday that were mopped up. Firefighters also continued to cool the perimeter of the Grouse Mountain fire in order to meet the mop-up standards. Resources on the Fires: GC Complex - Total Personnel: 542 Cooperators: Oregon Department of Forestry, US Forest Service Malheur National Forest, Grant County Rural Fire Departments, Grant County Sheriff, Oregon Department of Transportation Plans for Today: Mop up, suppression rehabilitation and patrol. Fire Weather: Mostly sunny with some afternoon cumulus buildups. Light west to northwest winds from 3 to 10 mph, except in areas near cumulus clouds. Other information: All closures have been lifted. Night shift crews have shifted to day shift. Most resources that are being demobilized are being reassigned to other incidents.

Monday, August 12, 2013

August 12, 2013 GC Complex Update

Magone campground, Forest Service Road 36 from County Road 18 to Magone, and County Road 32 from Hwy 395 to Magone, have been reopened. Drivers are advised to use caution as fire crews continue to work in the area.

OR IIMT 4 Incident Commander Brian J. Watts would like to express his appreciation to the local cooperators and residents for their support.

There are currently 600 personnel assigned to the GC Complex. Crews will continue to strengthen firelines and mop-up hot spots adjacent to containment lines on both the Grouse Mountain and Starvation fires.

Most of the heat in the Grouse Mountain fire is generated by juniper with limbs all the way to the ground. Lower limbs of the juniper are being pruned in order to check for hot spots underneath.

If thunderstorms move over the fire, there is potential for erratic winds and spotting.

Helicopter activity may be observed over the next few days extinguishing hot spots inside the fire perimeter.

The 8:00 pm Update on August 11th, 2013 was the last evening update, unless conditions change.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 11, 2013 - GC Complex Update

Size: 11,963 total acres

Contained: 70%

Road Closures: Forest Service road 36 from County Road 18 to Magone and County Road 32 from Hwy 395 to Magone remain closed.

Location: 1 mile north of John Day, OR

Fire Information: 541-575-9007

The GC Complex is comprised of two fires, Grouse Mountain and Starvation. There are currently 584 personnel assigned to the complex and resources are being shifted to the areas of most concern as suppression objectives are met on the fires. Firelines have been completed around both fires. Crews will continue to strengthen the lines and mop-up hot spots adjacent to containment lines.

Overall containment has reached 70%.

There is still potential for new fires as thunderstorms move over the fire areas.

Oregon Department of Forestry and the Malheur National Forest, who are working closely with the Oregon Interagency Incident Management Team 4, have identified private property, grazing resources and timber as important resources to protect. Every attempt is being made to minimize impacts to these important resources.

Oregon Department of Forestry and Malheur National Forest Initial Attack crews responded to more than two dozen new incidents on Saturday.

Expect increased fire traffic in John Day and surrounding areas. Use caution and drive with headlights on. Wildlife are moving across the highway as well as in town; please drive defensively. The Strawberry campground and Forest Road 6001 have been re-opened. Magone campground, Forest Service road 36 from County Road 18 to Magone and County Road 32 from Hwy 395 to Magone are anticipated to reopen on Monday.